Toddler Learning Academy Program

Toddler Learning Academy Program

We utilize their endless energy and capitalize on their inherent curiosity in order to boost their growth during this exciting period.

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What We Provide Our Busy Learners

  • Building Language – We provide an American Sign Language program to our toddlers, which has been demonstrated to aid in nonverbal and eventually spoken communication. Your child will be able to communicate their needs better with caregivers and peers, resulting in more met needs and a more loving environment.
  • Stories and Tunes – Entertaining stories combined with a selection of goofy, entertaining songs help your toddler's imagination blossom while they learn the necessary abilities for the next developmental level.
  • Creativity — Our classrooms are created with children's imaginations in mind. We provide age-appropriate learning centers for your toddler to explore their talents in music, painting, early reading, pretend play, and other areas.
  • Fine and gross motor skills – We believe that an active body is a healthy body, whether it is playing indoors or outdoors on our wide, age-separated play areas. Whether a child is starting to walk, sprinting at full speed, reaching for the monkey bars, or simply tossing a ball to a friend, they will learn everything there is to know about their body and celebrate both big and small triumphs.
  • Social Interaction — As children enter toddlerhood, they become more conscious of their surroundings. We recognize the significance of friendship and the development of harmonious relationships with teachers and peers. Your toddler will learn how to interact positively with others at Pine Grove Academy, regardless of ethnicity, religious beliefs, or cultural conventions.
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